Lee Collingwood
Tree of Life Church in Brentwood meets at Bentley Tennis Club, Ongar Rd, Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood CM15 9RX
closeTree of Life Church in Brentwood meets at Bentley Tennis Club, Ongar Rd, Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood CM15 9RX
closePastor Andrew John, Senior Pastor and Co-Founder of Direct Touch Ministries International and Direct Touch Ministries Community Church based in the UK. He is a renowned Preacher and Teacher known for his uniqueness in delivering The Word Of God in its simplicity for all to receive.
closeWe are interested in helping you become the best follower of Jesus you can, in crafting services that are enjoyable, and welcoming and that stretch your thinking and your heart. We don't want to build on anyone else other than Jesus, and we don't want to build on anything other than His complete work.
closePatience Gaddes joined Watford Tree of Life in March 2013. She had been seeking God for the right church and was given instructions from God to go to Watford, listen, learn and help.